ASTM E1053-11. Standard Test Method to Asses Virucidal Activity of Chemical Intended for Disinfection of Inanimate, Nonporous Environmental Surfaces.


Test accredited por ENAC (Spanish National Accreditation Entity).

This test method is intended to evaluate the virucidal efficacy of liquid microbicides, aerosols or sprayers for use on inert and non-porous environmental surfaces.

This test method can be performed with most viruses that can multiply in cell cultures. However, other host systems (e.g., embryonated eggs) can be used with justification and adequate documentation. The viruses indicated by the standard, as alternatives are some of the following viruses: Adenoviruses type 4 or type 5, Canine Parvovirus, Cytomegalovirus, Feline Calcivirus, Hepatitis A Virus, Herpes simplex virus, Influenza A virus, Murine Norovirus, Respiratory syncytial virus, Rhinovirus, Rotavirus, Vaccinia virus. A load of interfering substance may be used in the test, such as fetal bovine serum at a final concentration of 5%. The product should be tested at least at three concentrations including one in the non-active interval and one in the active range (these last two concentrations are chosen by the laboratory that performs the test since they correspond to the positive and negative controls, respectively). To carry out the test in our laboratory, the controls indicated by the ASTM E1052-20 standard and by the NF EN 14476: 2013 + A2: 2019 standard are included. To consider the virucidal product, a logarithmic reduction of 4 in infectivity must be demonstrated. The customer must choose a test temperature (usually 22 ± 2ºC); a contact time; a test concentration or manufacturer's instructions on how to add the product; a test condition - with or without interfering substance.