Rabies. Clarifications to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about information for samples sent from countries OTHER THAN SPAIN for conducting the test for rabies antibodies quantification test.
Although almost all listed below appears on the information contained in the file "Rage-Information antibody test" on some occasions we have sought clarification from the points indicated:
- E - mails. If you send us an email, do this in order to have linked previously treated. Note that every day we receive many emails on various topics.
- Animal identification. Some customers have told us that his country is not possible to identify the animal with microchips. In that case the alternative is a tattoo.
- T ime out after vaccinating to draw blood to the animal: If your dog / cat has been recently vaccinated, you must wait at least 30 days prior to extract blood (Regulation 576/2013 of the European Union, Annex IV).
- Sample to be sent: animal serum. The blood sample drawn animal serum must be separated before sending and send us only serum. Should not take the blood sample with no anticoagulant.
- Vials Sample: serum once separated, you can enter into small plastic vials delivering 1 to 2 ml serum vials from several, if anyone rend. Our recommendation is that those little vials, enter into a plastic tube (polypropylene which is less brittle), and this tube vials ship in a padded envelope.
- Sample preservation before sending. If you need to wait a few days to send the serum sample, keep it in your fridge while. If it would take longer to send to be frozen vial (tube) with the serum separated from the collected blood.
- The sample must be accompanied by the form that you refer, which must be completed by the veterinarian who performs the blood draw. You can fill in the computer or by hand with very clear case letters, to avoid errors in issuing the report.
- I send refrigerated or at room temperature? : The instructions recommend for better conservation of the serum sample is sent refrigerated. We understand that this is more expensive. Therefore, if the sample is going to take a little, about 3 or 4 days can be shipped without refrigeration.
- The cost of the test is 100.- € (euros). Payment of proof can do it for transfer once we give you the test it is complete, up to approximately 9 working days after we receive the sample in the laboratory.
- Cost messaging, customs and veterinary inspection services of ports and airports: Our laboratory is not responsible for expenses related to the shipment made from other countries other than Spain messaging. The cost of customs and / or veterinary inspection ports and airports, is payable aside messaging services. The sender must state the contracted courier to transport, which is responsible for these costs and how they would be paid to them. This cost is not the same every time because it depends on each office, and sometimes has no cost, but sometimes cost more than € 150.-.
- Courier (courier): experiences with other couriers, we recommend using TNT Express. We have information from other customers that DHL does not carry biological samples. We are not responsible for courier costs from your country, but you should pay them the messenger. If shipment brings customs costs, such costs shall abonárselos you the courier who has elegico because we do not we take care of your subscription to the messaging service even if the customer intends to pay them to us. When you hire the courier in your country should be noted that any transportation costs, customs, taxes, etc ..., must be billed to the sender. If we receive a shipment without all transportation costs and customs originally paid by the sender, sending it will not be received by us and will be returned. This is because on many occasions the bill with these cost 30 to 60 days later on received long after having sent the test results, and we could not cobrárselos the sender.
- Sanitary permit for the import of serum sample: If you send the sample by courier, please provide us by email the number of delivery note (waybill), the name of the veterinary clinic, the country of origin and the airport (Custom) entry to ask the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment import permit sample. This procedure (management) would perform at no cost from our laboratory the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Further clarification can be addressed to this email address: importacionanimal@magrama.es
- Sample transport privately (by someone): Some customers ask us if you can move the sample by a person who travels from his country. This transport is not authorized, and if it is done at your own risk.
- Sending results: We send results by post you have indicated. If urgently you needed to send a courier to your office, to pick them up.