EN 1500: 2013. Hygienic handrub. Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2).
Test accredited by ENAC (Spanish National Accreditation Entity).
This test evaluates the activity of the product for hand disinfection by friction (without using water) in hospitals, medical facilities, nursing schools, dental clinics and similar institutions. To perform the test, the hands of 18 to 22 people, aged less than 18 years whose hands have no cuts or abrasions and nails short and clean fingers, are washed and contaminated with a suspension of Escherichia coli K12. Individuals are divided into two groups alternately to act on the same day as a control group and as a test group, for both the application of the product of assay and the reference product. In the control group, after hands contamination with the indicated bacteria, they rub with 2-propanol 60%, rubbing twice with a volume of 3 mL for 30 seconds, a total of 6 mL for 60 seconds, and the test group rub hands with the product of assay, using volume and frequency of application recommended by the manufacturer, for a time between 30 to 60 seconds. To consider effective the action of disinfectant for hygienic handrub, a non-inferiority statistical test of log reductions apply, using a suitable statistical method in individuals whose washing was performed with the product assayed, compared to those whose washing was performed with 2-propanol 60%.