Our laboratory has established the quality system required by the UNE-EN ISO 17025 (testing).
The laboratory has the following accreditated tests by ENAC (National Entity for Accreditation) (No. 648 / LE1286), corresponding to several areas:
Antiseptics and chemical disinfectants (Biocides): 160 accredited tests.
Cosmetics: 8 accredited tests.
Bacterial endotoxins: 2 accredited tests.
Immunoglobulins (human derived): 3 accredited tests.
Toxicology - In vitro assays: 11 accredited tests.
Toxicology- In vivo assays: 8 accredited tests
To know the accredited tests you can consult the Technical Annex of the Accreditation No. 648/LE1286 (ENAC: National Accreditation Entity) for Microbiological and Toxicological Assays, corresponding to the Instituto Valenciano de Microbiología, S.L.
Get access through the ENAC WEBsite, selecting the Insttuto Valenciano de Microbiología, S.L.
or access directly to the document through the following URL: