Rabies (Laboratory authorized by the European Union)
- Rabies: Quantification of rabies antibodies in vaccinated animals. Laboratory authorized by the European Union (EU) and European Community (EC) Regulation No. 576/2013).
- Rabies. FAVNT (Fluorescent Antibody virus Neutralization test); RFFIT (Rabies Fluorescen Focus Inhibition test); RNATT (Rabies Neutralizing Antibody Titre test); Rabies Testing for Pet travel; Rabies antibody Blood test; Rabies antibody Titration; Rabies
- Rabies. Information about rabies antibodies quantification test in vaccinated animals.
- Rabies. Clarification about management of samples for anti-rabies antibodies quantification test sent from SPAIN.
- Rabies. Sending samples from other countries outside the European Union to Spain and collecting them from a location when they are in Spain
- Rabies. Clarifications to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about information for samples sent from countries OTHER THAN SPAIN for conducting the test for rabies antibodies quantification test.
- Rabies. Submission form to complete and return with the serum sample for anti-rabies antibodies quantification test in vaccinated animals
- Rabies. FAQ: 1)Expiration of test results; 2)Time validity of sample after extraction; 3)Need to separate serum from blood; 4)How to separate serum without centrifuge?; 5) What to do if the results indicate not protected?.
- Rabies. Samples for diagnosis of rabies in animals which bite - Recommendations.
- Rabies. Antibodies against rabies virus by the mouse neutralization test.
- Rabies. Diagnosis of rabies virus infection in animals which bite.
- Rabies. Consultation: People worried about being bitten two months ago by a dog. Antibody testing should be done?.
- Rabies. Consultation: Cat which bite in a veterinary clinic while trying to hold it and have been sacrificed. Type of sample for analysis of rabies and its conservation?.