ASTM E652−91 (2009). Standard Test Method for Nonresidual Liquid Household Insecticides Against Flying Insects.
Prueba no acreditada en nuestro laboratorio.
This method is intended to evaluate the effectiveness of dissolved domestic insecticides based on oil used by sprays against houseflies (Musca domestica L.). The results are applicable for effectiveness against other flying insects (mosquitoes, flying moths, wasps, ...), but it is not designed to know the residual activity.
The test can be done in two ways: a) in small groups performing 10 replicas, each with 100 flies, or b) in large groups performing 4 tests, with flies from two different cultures, each with 500 flies.
The supplier must provide the dispenser that he recommends for his product, from which the measured volume recommended by the standard will be applied. The tests are carried out in the test chamber recommended by the standard (Peet-Grady chamber), which must be free of insecticide contamination excluding the mortality of flies from 3 to 6 days of age kept inside for 12 to 16 hours with food, but without insecticide treatment. The test chamber is located in a test room with temperature (27 ± 1ºC) and relative humidity (50 ± 5%) controlled.
The test will use reference flies bred in the laboratory for an average of 3 to 6 days of age, and no more than 6 days to perform the test, with flying ability that are released inside the chamber and dispersing in the inside the test chamber 12 cm3 of the product in 24 ± 1 sec. The exposure is maintained for 10 minutes. After the exposure, the unaffected flies are counted and the chamber is opened and ventilated, and the affected flies are collected and kept under observation for 24 hours under appropriate temperature, humidity and feeding conditions before proceeding to the realization of the corresponding calculations to evaluate the effectiveness.
The results of the tests are evaluated by comparing them with a registered insecticide. An insecticide subjected to evaluation by this test must have a percentage of affectation at 10 minutes equal or superior to that of the reference product. The reference insecticide should provide an affectation of 30 to 50% in all tests.